All unsere Produkte wurden mithilfe unserer Projekterfahrungen und dem Wissen aus unserer internen Datenbank erstellt. Die folgenden Quellen wurden zur Ergänzung herangezogen und bieten Ihnen weiterführende Informationen zum Nachlesen:
- Key account management, Hubspot
- Managing global accounts, Harvard Business Review
- How to unlock growth in the largest accounts, McKinsey
- Creating value in key accounts, Boston Consulting Group
- Intraorganizational determinants of key account management effectiveness, John P. Workman, Christian Homburg & Ove Jensen, January 1, 2003, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
- What is CRM, Salesforce
- Strategic account management and selling are different, Rain Group
- Understanding customer experience throughout the customer journey, Katherine N. Lemon & Peter C. Verhoef, November 1, 2015, Journal of Marketing
- Customer journey mapping, Optimizely
- Customer journey management, Optimizely
- How to create an effective customer journey map, Hubspot
- Customer experience statistics, Superoffice
- Pathways to digital growth for B2B companies, McKinsey
- What are customer expectations and how have they changed?, Salesforce
- The power of me, Slideshare
- The difference between customer intelligence, data, and insights, Alida
- Sarstedt, M. & Mooi, E. (2019). A Concise Guide to Market Research: the process, data, and methods using IBM SPSS Statistics (3rd ed.). Springer.
- Backhaus, K., Erichson, B., Gensler, S., Weiber, R. & Weiber, T. (2021). Multivariate Analysis: An Application-Oriented Introduction. Springer.
- Field, A., Miles, J. & Field, Z. (2012). Discovering statistics using R. Sage.
- Fahrmeir et al. (2007). Statistik – Der Weg zur Datenanalyse. Springer
- Sarstedt, M. & Mooi, E. (2019). A Concise Guide to Market Research: the process, data, and methods using IBM SPSS Statistics (3rd ed.). Springer.
- Zelazny, G. (2001). Say It With Charts: The Executive’s Guide to Visual Communication (4th ed.). McGraw-Hill.
- Elgabry, O. (2019). The Ultimate Guide to Data Cleaning. Available at https://towardsdatascience.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-data-cleaning-3969843991d4
- Find out more about tips and tricks for Excel here: https://exceljet.net/
- Datapine. Sales Dashboard examples. Available at https://www.datapine.com/dashboard-examples-and-templates/sales
- Tableau. 7 Great Examples & Templates Of Sales Dashboards. Available at https://www.tableau.com/learn/articles/sales-dashboards-examples-and-templates
- Hyndman, R.J. & Athanasopoulos, G. (2018). Forecasting – Principles and practice (2nd edition). Available at https://otexts.com/fpp2/
- Salesforce. The Complete Guide to Building a Sales Forecast. Available at https://www.salesforce.com/resources/articles/building-a-sales-forecast-guide/
- Hayasaka, S. & Silipo, R. (2021). KNIME Beginner’s Luck.
- Charter, J. (2021). The six c’s of cross-selling success. McKinsey. Available at https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/strategy-and-corporate-finance/our-insights/the-strategy-and-corporate-finance-blog/the-six-cs-of-cross-selling-success
- Melcher, K. (2022). From Excel to KNIME. Available at https://www.knime.com/knimepress/download-from-excel-to-knim
- The difference between customer intelligence, data, and insights, Alida
- Customer segmentation vs. market segmentation, Baremetrics
- Market segmentation in B2B, B2B International
- Value-based market segmentation, Marketing Insider
- Customer intelligence, Hubspot
- Kundenzentrierung, Salesforce
- Customer success survey, SmartKarrot
- Harnessing the power of external data, McKinsey
- Pricing strategy guide, Profitwell
- Use the pricing waterfall to drive profits, Pricing Solutions
- Digital go-to-market transformation building strategic pricing organizations, Boston Consoluting Group
- Contribution margin, Info Markets
- Pricing strategy, Hubspot
- The power of pricing, McKinsey
- Willingness to pay, Harvard Business Review
- Seal margin leakage with the price waterfall approach, Blackcurve
- Price realization done right is sales best friend, Pricingbrew